Legale Downloads

[column col="1/2"]Legale Downloads

Alle Fans der digitalen Downloads können sich nun auch die gewünschten Songs vieler Accession Records Bands (u.a. natürlich [:SITD:], Diorama, Assemblage 23, Diary of Dreams, Painbastard, Faderhead und Panzer AG) bei folgenden Portalen legal runterladen:

AOL, iTunes, SonyConnect, MusicLoad, OD2, Digital Jay, Napster, Music Match, Music Net, Beatport, 24/7, Digital Dee Jay, Microsoft, DJ Download, Audio Jelly, Rhapsody, Fnac, Virgin Mega Store,, Music4Brands, mobivillage, Musiwave, Jamba!, FineTunes, MusicBase, Arvato, Sony Netservices, 4Friends, O2, T-Online mobile, Visono, Sunset Wireless, Dancetunes, Karma, Juno, xpressbeats, Nuclear Blast, Hip Digital, 3 Beat Digital, 7 Digital, Akuma, Trackitdown, Inprodicon, Higher Frequency, Deutsche-DJ-Playlist, DJ Tunes, Phonofile, aim4music, mobilisten, venturemusic, Individual CD, Securycast.[/column]

[column col="1/2"]Legal downloads

The songs of many bands at Accession Records (including [:SITD:], diorama, Assemblage 23, Diary of Dreams, Painbastard, Faderhead und Panzer AG) are now available for digital download at the online services listed here:

AOL, iTunes, SonyConnect, MusicLoad, OD2, Digital Jay, Napster, Music Match, Music Net, Beatport, 24/7, Digital Dee Jay, Microsoft, DJ Download, Audio Jelly, Rhapsody, Fnac, Virgin Mega Store,, Music4Brands, mobivillage, Musiwave, Jamba!, FineTunes, MusicBase, Arvato, Sony Netservices, 4Friends, O2, T-Online mobile, Visono, Sunset Wireless, Dancetunes, Karma, Juno, xpressbeats, Nuclear Blast, Hip Digital, 3 Beat Digital, 7 Digital, Akuma, Trackitdown, Inprodicon, Higher Frequency, Deutsche-DJ-Playlist, DJ Tunes, Phonofile, aim4music, mobilisten, venturemusic, Individual CD, Securycast.[/column]

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