
DIARY OF DREAMS - USA & Gothic Cruise

More than ten years have passed since DIARY OF DREAMS played live in the USA for the last time. Now the time has come to return to the land of opportunity. And the return is not simply to play some concerts.


DIARY OF DREAMS - Upcoming shows: UK & Belgium

Already in a few weeks, time has come to experience DIARY OF DREAMS live and very close again. On May 5th, 2017, the band will play at The Dome, Tufnell Park, London. Here are all details for the show:


DIARY OF DREAMS - Concerts in Chile and Peru cancelled

As the promoter informed today, both “Back in Dark” Festivals in Santiago (Chile) on 7th April and Lima (Peru) on 8th April need to be cancelled for now because of force majeure. Currently, promoters are willing to run the festival with the same or modified line-up at a later time. They promise to do anything possible during the next days to postpone the festival. ...


Diary of Dreams in Bremen

As you already know, DIARY OF DREAMS will present their upcoming album on tour through Germany in October and November. For the 17th November, the band already promised one more date which is confirmed now. The band will be performing at the Tivoli in Bremen on this evening. All information according the event is available at Facebook ...


DIARY OF DREAMS – Shows in Israel and Switzerland

We are very happy to announce two special DIARY OF DREAMS concerts today. In May 2017, the band will perform in Israel for the first time since 2007. In September 2017, DIARY OF DREAMS will furthermore headline a very special festival. At the “Eine Nacht im Bergwerk”, the stage is placed belowground. Here are all details for both shows:



A new festival is born and DIARY OF DREAMS will be part of it. On 19th and 20th August 2017, the first edition of Gothic Dark Wave Festival at the Castle of Tilloloy/ France will take place.


DIARY OF DREAMS – Concerts in Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria

Today, we can announce several further DIARY OF DREAMS shows for spring 2017. Besides two concerts in Greece, DIARY OF DREAMS will return to Bulgaria for the first time since 2008. Furthermore, the band is looking forward the live premier in Turkey.


DIARY OF DREAMS – New date for Leipzig

Because of Gothic Meets Klassik taking place on 17th November 2017 in Leipzig, the planned DIARY OF DREAMS concert for Leipzig will be postponed once more. The new Leipzig date is 20th October 2017. Already bought tickets for Leipzig remain valid also for the new date. For 17th November 2017, another DIARY OF DREAMS show is planned. Further information soon. Here are all dates:

Kommende Shows

No shows booked at the moment.


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