
DIARY OF DREAMS bestätigt für das DarkMAD Festival 2020

The new year already starts with good news. We are happy to confirm DIARY OF DREAMS for DarkMAD Festival 2020 which will take place in Madrid (Spain) in October 2020. All details about the festival:

23rd - 24th October 2020 Madrid (ES)
Festival Homepage: http://darkmad.es
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2373512826092531/
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-darkmad-2020-86899961123
The exact day of the performance will be announced later.


DIARY OF DREAMS play concerts in Russia

Today we have fantastic news for all Russian DIARY OF DREAMS fans. The band will play two best-of concerts during two dates in February 2020: 8th Feb 2020 Moscow (RU), Teatr 9th Feb 2020 St. Petersburg (RU), Opera Concert Club Pre-sale will start next week.


DIARY OF DREAMS announce support for Wiesbaden and Wuppertal

Already during the past concerts in Siegburg, Erfurt and Braunschweig, US from Sweden / UK accompanied DIARY OF DREAMS. In the coming year, the duo will open the shows in Wiesbaden and Wuppertal.

10th Jan 2020 Wiesbaden, Kesselhaus
Tickets: https://schlachthof-wiesbaden.reservix.de/p/reservix/event/1455117

31st Jan 2020 Wuppertal, Live Club Barmen
Homepage & Tickets: https://www.wuppertal-live.de/?307400

US: www.facebook.com/usmusicspace / www.instagram.com/usmusicspace / www.usmusicspace.com


DIARY OF DREAMS make good for the Wacken Show

It was a great honour for DIARY OF DREAMS to be confirmed for the Wacken Open Air 2019. Unfortunately, the weather gods were not on the side of the band. Due to a storm, the festival area had to be evacuated and the planned appearance had to be cancelled. All the more the band is pleased now that they can make up for the show at Wacken 2020:

Wacken (DE), Wacken Open Air - 30th July to 1st August 2020
Homepage: www.wacken.com
Tickets: SOLD OUT
Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/763133987439887/

Let’s cross fingers that the weather next year is on the band’s side…


DIARY OF DREAMS confirmed for W-Fest 2020

Despite its relatively short history, the W Fest in Belgium is already a cult and one of the most extraordinary festivals the scene has to offer. In addition to current greats of the black scene, the big icons of the 80s find their place in the line-up. For example, VISAGE, THE STRANGLERS, KIM WILDE, FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM or FRONT 242 have already been confirmed for the 2020 edition. For DIARY OF DREAMS it is a great pleasure to share the stage with such greats. Please find the details for the festival below:

Waregem (BE), W-Fest - Show on 22nd May 2020
Homepage: https://www.w-festival.com/de/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wfest2019/
Tickets: https://www.w-festival.com/de/ticketinfo

Kommende Shows

No shows booked at the moment.


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