A094 Indigo CD 67242
:01: Introduction OTD
:02: Aenimal
:03: Among The Few
:04: Machinegun GoGo
:05: Paper Angels
:06: Monster
:07: Moerketid
:08: Crash N Burn
:09: Not Too Late
:10: Tip The Dancer
:11: Mother
:12: When I am You
A094 Indigo CD 67242
:01: Introduction OTD
:02: Aenimal
:03: Among The Few
:04: Machinegun GoGo
:05: Paper Angels
:06: Monster
:07: Moerketid
:08: Crash N Burn
:09: Not Too Late
:10: Tip The Dancer
:11: Mother
:12: When I am You
A093 Indigo CD 68882
:01: Stealth
:02: Hey.Daddy
:03: Option.One
:04: Sea.Lab
:05: Slow.Motion.Shadow
:06: Machine.Language
:07: Auto.Mat
:08: Beneath.A.Bed.Of.Wet.Leaves
:09: Tweaker
:10: Sun.Rise
A092 Indigo CD 68742
:01: La Troja
:02: The Girl Of My Best Friend
:03: I Love You
:04: Kraljestvo macjih oci
:05: Scream, Greeneyes (Ernst Horn remix)
:06: P.S.
:07: The 5th Elephant (live)
:08: The Chant - Reprise (feat.Anda Maric)
:09: Belief
:10: Hall of Mirrors (feat. Anne Clark)
:11: Pitaju me pitaju
:12: Runalong (acoustic version)
:13: Lagrimae
:01: Talkshow
:02: Puta Royale
:03: Transition Blues
:04: Der Untergang
:05: Les Egoistes
:06: The Last Dance
:07: Subaquea
:08: God Forsaken Country (Rozmarinke version)
:09: 3 besede / 3 Words
:10: Piano Theme #3
A091 Indigo CD 68542
:01: The Protagonist
:02: The Beat Has Started
:03: Naughty H
:04: The Lines
:05: O/H Scavenger
:06: Mattaku
:07: Vanish
:08: Melt Into Your Eyes
:09: Hey Girl
:10: Burning / Dancing
A090 Indigo CD 63642
:01: odyssey
:02: suffering in solitude
:03: firmament
:04: crusade (remix by GRENDEL)
:05: venom (slow version)
:06: wegweiser (club version)
:07: benumbed
:08: plastination city (remix by PAINBASTARD)
:09: ascension (remix by ABSURD MINDS)
A089 Indigo CD 63622
:01: Sleepwalk (The Awakening)
:02: Sleepwalk (Aufgewacht)
:03: Sleepwalk (Supreme Court Remix)
:04: Wicked game (World on Fire Mix)
:05: Sleepwalk (in daylight)
:06: Wicked Game (I-leck-too)
A087 Indigo CD 63582
:01: Drowned
:02: The Girls (bombay overdose version)
:03: Logic Friends (remixed by kartagon)
:04: The Rich Are All Perverted
:05: Contradictive (yes = no version)
:06: Pale (above the arctic circle version)
:07: il bacio della realizzazione (remixed by klangstabil)
:08: Handoutdrugs
:09: E Minor (red chapel version)
:10: I Wait For You (ionized version)
:11: Exploitation
:12: On The Rocks
:13: World Of Ice
:14: Friends We Used To Know (remixed by frozen plasma)
:15: Leaving Hollywood (chamber version)
A013 Indigo CD 42912
:01: Between the Shadow and Me
:02: Contradictive
:03: I wait for you
:04: Leaving Hollywood
:05: Said but true
:06: Kain's advice
:07: Belle?
:08: Masquerades and faces
:09: Another queen
:10: Bring me flowers
:11: Pale
A088 Indigo CD 63602
:01: Hidden Game Of The Devil
:02: A Kingdom For A Life
:03: Nervenkrieg (LIGHTS OF EUPHORIA MIX)
:04: Breakdown
:05: Nervenkrieg (REAPER MIX)
:06: Todesengel (ARMAGEDDON RMX by SITD)
:07: Don't Ask Me "Why?"!
:08: Nervenkrieg (CONETIK MIX)
:09: Nervenkrieg (PEOPLE ARE EVIL RMX by painbastard)
A086 Indigo CD 63432
:01: MenschFeind
:02: Reign of Chaos
:03: the Curse
:04: Giftraum
:05: End Of Flowers
:06: Methusalem
:07: Chemicals
:08: But The Wind Was Stronger
:09: Play God!
:10: Soul Stripper
:11: O' Brother Sleep
:12: Traumtänzer
:13: AmoK
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