
Faderhead - FH2

A103 Indigo CD 862062

:01: This Is Not A Clubtrack
:02: Girly Show
:03: Gritty Beats, No Relief
:04: Break Apart Again
:05: Houston
:06: Sentimental Again
:07: All Dead
:08: Friday Night Binge
:09: Noisebastardz
:10: Dirtygrrrls / Dirtybois
:11: Losing For Real
:12: Coke For My Ass
:13: Mono Man (featuring Dr. T)
:14: Storm. Sparks. Structure


Human Decay - Apology

A105 Online Release

:01: apology - move!
:02: another way - no mercy rmx by >painbastard<
:03: stagnant - rmx by supreme court
:04: disbelieve - feat. jennifer parkin - v01d-rmx
:05: anti-fate - agnostic mix by implant
:06: reduplication - club mix
:07: workerboy - rmx by altarian project
:08: anti-fate - feat. isabella
:09: stagnant - never trust rotersand rework
:10: material - preview mix


Diorama - A different life

A102 Indigo CD 861882

:01: Screenface
:02: Definition Power
:03: Why
:04: Burning Out
:05: Synthesize Me
:06: Protected World
:07: 10000 Meter Waves
:08: Sands
:09: Exit the Grey
:10: Kein Mord
:11: No Tears
:12: Blessed
:13: Colder


Diorama - Synthesize Me (MCD)

A099 Indigo MCD 834112

:01: Synthesize Me (single version)
:02: Synthesize Me (extended version)
:03: Erase Me
:04: Synthesize Me (piano version)
:05: Synthesize Me (dada version)
:06: Truth and Movement
:07: The Rational Anthem


Painbastard - No need to worry

A097 Indigo CD 831302

:01: No need to worry - Intro
:02: When the rats desert the sinking ship
:03: Sternentanz
:04: Poison for your soul
:05: Lebe Deinen Traum
:06: Self (De) Termination
:07: Kinky species
:08: The way
:09: Tear apart
:10: Mother
:11: Torn (feat. Torben Wendt / Diorama)
:12: The time is ripe!
:13: No need to worry? - Outro
:14: Sternentanz - remixed by Feindflug
:15: Poison for your soul - remixed by Christer H. / Biomekkanik / S.P.O.C.K.


Accession Records - Vol. 3 Compilation

A100 Indigo CD 68562

:01: SILENCE - Present, Unexistent
:02: [:SITD:] - AREA 51 [2K6]
:03: FADERHEAD - Bassgod
:04: DIARY OF DREAMS - leb-los!
:05: PANZER AG - Gateway
:06: PAINBASTARD - Make my day
:07: HUMAN DECAY - Grievance again
:08: DIORAMA - The pulse of life
:09: PSYCHE - Absolute
:10: BELIEF - Changer
:11: ASSEMBLAGE 23 - Decades
:12: LIGHTS OF EUPHORIA - Emptyness (Accession to Euphoria Mix)
:13: SPEKTRALIZED - Strange Reactions
:14: ANGELS OF VENICE - Primitive Kiss
:15: SILENCE - Veronika - End Score


Diary of Dreams - Dream Collector

A096 Indigo CD 80472

:01: Stranger than Rebellion
:02: PrisonER
:03: Soul Stripper (L.I.M.Strip Mix)
:04: O' Brother Sleep (Extended Sleepwalk Mix)
:05: The Curse (freak edit)
:06: Chemicals (remix)
:07: Ex-ile (upgrade 03)
:08: She (Demonic Mix)
:09: Forestown
:10: No-Body left to blame (Truth-Mix)
:11: Now this is human
:12: People Watcher (L.I.M.Version)
:13: Butterfly:Dance! (upgrade 02)
:14: Bladerunner 2001 (Director's Cut Remix by Adrian Hates)
:15: False Affection, false Creation (1st Version)


Spektralized - Capture the moment

A095 Indigo CD 68552

:01: The Beginning
:02: Of The End
:03: Shy
:04: Beneath You
:05: Broken Thorn
:06: No Control
:07: Better Tomorrow
:08: Learn And Teach
:09: Fame
:10: So Strong
:11: Dark Days

Kommende Shows

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