A109 Indigo CD 867252
:01: the Plague (Vers.N41)
:02: the Plague (Vers.N4-4)
:03: Allocution
:04: Traumtänzer (memorial version 07)
A109 Indigo CD 867252
:01: the Plague (Vers.N41)
:02: the Plague (Vers.N4-4)
:03: Allocution
:04: Traumtänzer (memorial version 07)
:01: MenschFeind
:02: Reign of Chaos
:03: the Curse
:04: Giftraum
:05: Methusalem
:06: Chemicals
:07: Play God!
:08: Butterfly:Dance!
:09: Soul Stripper
:10: Psycho-Logic
:11: Traumtänzer
:12: AmoK
Specials: "Making of" documentary - photo shooting in Iceland, photo show, extra fragmentary films that can be activated while watching the live show, extensive interview
A096 Indigo CD 80472
:01: Stranger than Rebellion
:02: PrisonER
:03: Soul Stripper (L.I.M.Strip Mix)
:04: O' Brother Sleep (Extended Sleepwalk Mix)
:05: The Curse (freak edit)
:06: Chemicals (remix)
:07: Ex-ile (upgrade 03)
:08: She (Demonic Mix)
:09: Forestown
:10: No-Body left to blame (Truth-Mix)
:11: Now this is human
:12: People Watcher (L.I.M.Version)
:13: Butterfly:Dance! (upgrade 02)
:14: Bladerunner 2001 (Director's Cut Remix by Adrian Hates)
:15: False Affection, false Creation (1st Version)
A086 Indigo CD 63432
:01: MenschFeind
:02: Reign of Chaos
:03: the Curse
:04: Giftraum
:05: End Of Flowers
:06: Methusalem
:07: Chemicals
:08: But The Wind Was Stronger
:09: Play God!
:10: Soul Stripper
:11: O' Brother Sleep
:12: Traumtänzer
:13: AmoK
A081 Indigo CD 56592
:01: MenschFeind
:02: Haus der Stille
:03: Day-X-Relic
:04: Killers
:05: Treibsand
:06: the Cage
:07: Pentaphobia
A076 Indigo CD 50802
:01: Dead Letter
:02: Giftraum
:03: Kindrom
:04: Reign of Chaos
:05: Charma Sleeper
:06: Tales of the silent City
:07: Portrait of a Cynic
:08: UnMensch
:09: The Witching Hour
:10: Psycho-Logic
:11: krank:Haft
:12: Cannibals
:13: Mask of Shame
Strictly limited Box-Set incl. 64 page digibook, 6-Panel
Digipak & Panorama Picture!
A076 Indigo CD 54892
:01: Dead Letter
:02: Giftraum
:03: Kindrom
:04: Reign of Chaos
:05: Charma Sleeper
:06: Tales of the silent City
:07: Portrait of a Cynic
:08: UnMensch
:09: The Witching Hour
:10: Psycho-Logic
:11: krank:Haft
:12: Cannibals
:13: Mask of Shame
A073 Indigo CD 50772
:01: Giftraum (Skinner Mix)
:02: Fallacy
:03: UnKind (Keine Atmung)
:04: Giftraum (Classical Version)
A052 Indigo CD 44002 Mini-Album
:01: Painkiller
:02: PaniK?
:03: Soul Stripper
:04: Sin Skinner
:05: Drama
:06: The Scream
:07: Monsters and Demons
A047 Indigo CD 43502
:01: Traum:A
:02: The Curse
:03: O' Brother Sleep
:04: Chrysalis
:05: Traumtänzer
:06: Rebellion
:07: Bastard
:08: AmoK
:09: She
:10: Verdict
:11: Play God!
:12: She and her darkness
No shows booked at the moment.
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