
Assemblage 23 - Document MCD

A 048 Indigo CD 43272

:01: Document [Original Mix]
:02: Document [Endanger Mix]
:03: Document [La Plegua Mix by Icon of Coil]
:04: Document [Das Ich Remix]
:05: Underneath the Ice [Previously unreleased Track 1995]
:06: Document [Albert Deal/Torben Schmidt Schreibgeschützt Mix]
:07: Document [Ultimate-Gloom-Mix by Echo Image]
:08: Document [Haujobb Remix]
:09: Document [Omnibox Mix]
:10: Document [Forma Tadre Remix]


Assemblage 23 - Addendum

A 036 Indigo CD 43182

:01: Let Me Be Your Armor
:02: Awake [Imperative Reaction Mix]
:03: Naked [God Module RMX]
:04: Divide [Tidal Mix by cut.rate.box]
:05: Surface [Grip Mix by Aghast View]
:06: Breath of Ghosts
:07: Disappoint [Negative Format Remix]
:08: Naked [Tricky Tick Remix by Clear Vision]
:09: King of Insects [Red Sparrow Remix]
:10: The Drowning Season [Original 1996 Mix]
:11: Silence [Lo-fi Quietude Remix by Converter]
:12: Naked [Project X Remix]
:13: Away


Assemblage 23 - Disappoint

034 INDIGO CD 43122 ( MCD )

:01: Disappoint [Guilt Rmx by Assemblage 23]
:02: Disappoint [Funker Vogt Rmx]
:03: Disappoint [Mood Rmx by Albert Deal]
:04: Disappoint [Ward of Fear Mix by Lights of Euphoria]
:05: Disappoint [ITN Affinity Mix by In The Nursery]
:06: Disappoint [Ment Mix by L'Ame Immortelle]
:07: Disappoint [Down and Gone out Rmx by Ed Vargo of THD]

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