Diary of Dreams: Nekrolog 43 - das neue Album

[column col="1/2"]Diary of Dreams: Nekrolog 43 - das neue Album

Am 26. Oktober wird "Nekrolog 43", das 9. Diary of Dreams-Album endlich das Licht der Welt erblicken. Das neue Werk besteht wie gewohnt aus 13 Titeln mit einer Gesamtspieldauer von über 70 Minuten. Das Tracklisting lautet wie folgt: Nekrolog 43, the Plague, Son of a thief, Tears of Joy, UnWanted?, Matching Lives, Remedy Child, Malice, The darkest of all hours, Congratulations, hypo)crypticK(al, alLone und the Valley.[/column][column col="1/2"]Diary of Dreams: Nekrolog 43 - the new album

On October 26, “Nekrolog 43”, Diary of Dreams’ 9th album, will finally be released. The new work consists as usual of 13 tracks and has a total running time of more than 70 minutes. The track listing is as follows: Nekrolog 43, the Plague, Son of a thief, Tears of Joy, UnWanted?, Matching Lives, Remedy Child, Malice, The darkest of all hours, Congratulations, hypo)crypticK(al, alLone und the Valley.[/column]

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